Hello, I'm Z! First, I would like to thank everyone for reading my translations! Second and the following would be bad news. I might not be able to give some more updates due to my loaded school works plus my need to study for an exam this May that would determine whether I can stay on my course or not. (Pretty harsh plus I need to study everything I learned from my first year till now. Hahaha *dying* )  Any interested translators for Today the Manager is Also Very Kind  and   Give Me a Kiss  would want to take it up, feel free to do so. Leave a comment below on the latest chaps or send me a message through the contact form. I really wish I could translate more because I really like these novels but I'm too occupied with my obligations in real life that I can't neglect them. Honestly, I'm so busy I rarely got any free time for myself. It's funny because just when I get some free time, my school works would be like: Ha! You thought. Then I'd see updates/notifica

About Me

💤 About Me:

How I translate:
  • I MTL then edit. Hence, there will be inaccuracies in my translations.
  • I look up terms/slangs I can’t understand and sometimes would ask people.
  • I used different tenses. I’m not really proficient with grammar so you have to bear with me.
  • I don’t usually censor curse words. What’s the use, ya’ll know it anyway lol.


The Manager is Also Very Kind: Sporadic/Dropped (Will be translating till someone wanted to take over, if none, then will translate till the end with this schedule).

Give Me a Kiss: Sporadic/Dropped

Note: Schedules posted may not be followed.


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